Dear architects and developers,
Cityscapes make still and moving images of architecture ranging from vast metropolitan spaces to intimate interiors.
Feed us with your designs so that we can create images and film footage that will strike the observer with a tangible sense of reality and "being in there".
Join our ongoing quest of exploring the combination of 3d rendering, photography, digital manipulation of photography, painting and digital painting as means of creating visuals that would make us wish to enter them.
Our work is always custom tailored to support each project's overall feel.
Our immediate goal is to work with characters to give a better sense of scale to imagery - as well as to use them to give a human touch to architecture and environments.
Help us explore how far we can get with the next project.
We are eagerly awaiting our collaboration so that we can create wonderful "paintings" of architecture to be put on our walls and movies to shine from the "big screens" !!!
Yours truly,
Jan Srnka and the slowly expanding team of Cityscapes
Playful past
Frolicking future
Alice's mirror